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World Hepatitis Day 2024 Media Coverage

ABC Canberra live interview with Hepatitis ACT ED Sarah Ahmed Presenter: Kate Midena.

Wed 24 July, 9:20am – 18min12 into recording.

WIN TV News Canberra iv with Hepatitis ACT ED Sarah Ahmed and Dr Clara Woo Friday 26 July.             

Reporter Georgie Burgess.

 ABC Illawarra live interview with Hepatitis NSW CEO Steven Drew on Thursday 25/7.

WIN TV Wollongong (arranged by Hepatitis NSW) Wed 24/7. WIN TV facebook post

 ABC Western Plains Breakfast interviewed Gastroenterologist Joe Lawler on Friday 26/7.

Hepatitis cases on the rise, as health experts call for more testing.

Thursday 25 July, 2024 Alex Anyfantis.

7min audio + full transcript

Hepatitis is the second leading cause of infectious deaths around the world. But experts say most types of hepatitis are treatable, and are calling for members of the community to get themselves tested to prevent further transmission.  for-more-testing/j7o5otd16

Interviews with Hepatitis NSW CEO Professor Steven Drew and Board Director Dr Joe Lawler.

Newcastle Herald

'Life-threatening disease': Get tested for hepatitis to save your liver.

Damon Cronshaw Sunday 28 July 2024. virus/

Thursday 25/7 - Interview with Hepatitis NSW CEO Steven Drew starts 5min in.

Hepatitis Queensland 

Australian Radio Network Hits FM, Bundaberg

News grabs by Hepatitis Queensland CEO Dr Anna Hawkes - 24 and 25/7.

ABC Widebay Breakfast live interview with CEO Dr Anna Hawkes – Wednesday 24/7 8:40am. 2:06min in.


Toowoomba – interview with David Clune - pre-record to use on WHD and leading up to it. Page 4


Launceston Examiner, Saree Salter, Wednesday 24 July untreated/

TASCAHRD CEO Cameron Brown interview with Dave Graham. Thursday 25 July.


Channel 7 News filmed free liver scans in a shopping centre and ran interviews with Hepatitis SA spokesperson Jenny Grant and Peace Multicultural Services spokesperson, Memoona Rafique. The story ran in the afternoon and evening news.


We put out 6 regional releases and got pick up with 3BA in Ballarat – live morning show interview with LiverWELL CEO Elaine Montigriffo.

ABC Ballarat news interview to run in Breakfast on Monday 29/7.

 The Centralian Advocate did an interview with Karen Nicolaysen on Tuesday 23/7.

CAAMA radio did an interview with Care and Support worker Aidee Stafford about their event on Sunday 30/7.