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CSRH: Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2023: Viral Hepatitis in Australia

The UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health is excited to launch our Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour 2023: Viral Hepatitis in Australia. This seminar will focus on research relating to hepatitis B and hepatitis C conducted and published by our colleagues at CSRH throughout 2022.

Our hepatitis B research provides insight into activities around testing, prevention, diagnosis, access to care, and treatment efforts, and by assessing attitudes towards hepatitis B among the general community, health workers, and priority populations where hepatitis B prevalence is high.

Hepatitis C research summaries include a new focus on the populations most impacted by the hepatitis C virus, including people who inject drugs and people who are incarcerated. This work highlights our ongoing participation in the investigative and monitoring activities that inform prevention, diagnosis, and treatment efforts.

This is an online event.



Loren Brener an Associate Professor at the Centre for Social Research in Health. Her research focuses on stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with blood-borne viruses such as HIV and viral hepatitis and the impact of this on health outcomes and quality of care. Her research is grounded in social psychology and aims to advance theoretical understanding as well as practical outcomes for marginalised and vulnerable groups.

Defeng Jin completed a PhD in social science at the Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW in 2022. Her PhD study explored knowledge about hepatitis B virus (HBV) among the Chinese community, stigma and discrimination around HBV and trust in healthcare providers among Chinese Australians living with HBV. Defeng’s research interests also include the implications of COVID-19 on individuals and communities, migrant health, complementary and alternative therapies, and mental health and well-being among young people.

Lise Lafferty is a Senior Research Fellow with positions at the Centre for Social Research in Health and the Kirby Institute, both at UNSW. She is a qualitative social health researcher with a focus on infectious diseases in priority populations.



July 27, 2023 at 3:00pm (AEST) - 4pm (AEST)