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Hepatitis Awareness Week Multilingual Toolkit

The Multicultural HIV and Hepatitis Service (MHAHS) is seeking your support to promote Hepatitis Awareness Week resources among your community networks, to raise awareness and encourage viral hepatitis prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

About the toolkit

The Hepatitis Awareness Week Multilingual Toolkit includes hepatitis B and hepatitis C multilingual resources.

Download the toolkit and resources from the attached toolkit here. 

  • Are you living with hepatitis B? Find out. Get tested campaign encourages hepatitis B testing. Multilingual campaign messages have been co-designed with and for the Arabic-speaking, Chinese-speaking, Korean, Vietnamese, and Sub-Saharan African communities.
  • Live Free of Hepatitis C campaign raises awareness of hepatitis C testing and treatment, featuring tailored messages for the Arabic-speaking, Chinese-speaking and Vietnamese communities.

Share multilingual resources

Please share the digital resources through your networks and social media channels, as well as displaying the posters and brochures at key locations.

You can order free copies of the printed resources by completing the Resource Order Forms available in the MHAHS website.

We provide free, hepatitis awareness online and face to face community education sessions. These sessions are delivered in language by our trained Cultural Support Workers.

If you have any questions about the multilingual toolkit or would like to organise an education session, please contact Lili Sun on 9515 1234 or email [email protected].

July 28, 2022 at 6:00pm - August 18, 2022